Welcome to a new era in the Malaysian Squash Masters’ Community !
Over the years, SRAM and its respective State affiliates have been very successful in developing squash interest in thousands of players, who continue to play till their University years, only to have many who stop playing when they start working, have their own families or focus on other pursuits.
While in the last several years, the revived KL Squash league received a big boost from Ohana’s support to offer to a platform to bring some of these players back together, there are still many players in various squash communities, who are still not involved yet.
We hope to change this going forward in 2019, with the launch of our Squash Masters Community initiative. Our key objectives will be to :
- Maintain a common Masters community and database of players in Malaysia & eventually the Asian region
- Develop & manage a ranking system for players of all grades in Malaysia & eventually the Asian region
- Create ongoing activities & get-together(s) beyond local tournaments (including squash tour trips to other countries)
- Coordinate Malaysia players to participate as a contingent to World Masters, Asian Masters, etc
- Collaborate with our Asian squash counterparts to support each other’s tournaments
- Get one of our Masters’ event on the WSF Masters’ Tour
We will be updating more info about the Master’s Initiative on this website regularly. So, do just join our mailing list to stay updated.
For 2019, we have the Biolux Circuit and also the WSF Sanctioned Malaysian Masters Open.
Biolux Squash Masters Circuit 2019 :
This tournament covers both Squash (recreation & open grade) and Squash 57 (open grade) and was held on the following dates :
- Leg 1 : April 5-7, 2019 @ Kuala Lumpur
- Leg 2 : Sept 20-22, 2019 @ Penang
Both Leg 1 & 2 have since been completed and received great feedback. Stay tuned for more information on the next’s year Masters Circuit.
We are also very grateful to our Circuit main sponsor, Biolux for helping to make our kick-off event happen. Check out Biolux’s awesome products here.
We are proud to announce that the WSF SRAM Malaysian Masters Open 2019 will be held from 8-10 November 2019 in Kuala Lumpur. This Squash tournament is specially created for the Masters squash community from age categories of 35+ to 70+.
The entries for this tournament have been closed. We are no longer accepting submissions.
Draws will be out on or before Oct 25th, 2019.